Complete Your Annual Required Sexual Harassment Prevention Training with IHLS
Did you complete your annual required Sexual Harassment Prevention Training for 2022? If not, IHLS can help you meet that requirement!
Every employer with employees working in the State of Illinois is required to provide employees with sexual harassment prevention training that complies with Section 2-109 of the Illinois Human Rights Act ("IHRA") Minimum Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Standards for All Employers - Training (illinois.gov).
Which employers are required to train their employees?
Employers who have one or more employees must provide a sexual harassment prevention training to their staff.
What is the deadline to train my employees?
As of January 1, 2020, employers are required to train every employee each calendar year.
Are employers required to train short-term employees, part-time employees, or interns?
Yes, all employees, regardless of their status (i.e., short-term, part-time, or intern), must be trained.
What documentation is an employer required to maintain regarding the sexual harassment prevention training?
Employers are required to keep a record of all trainings. Such records must be made available for IDHR inspection upon request. This record may be a certificate or a signed employee acknowledgement or course sign-in worksheet. The records may be paper or electronic.
How can I receive my required training through IHLS?
IHLS will provide a training module through the use of the Gallagher Step Program. This is a self-paced module in which you must view the training and complete a quiz with a passing grade of 70% or above.
After signing up in L2, you will receive an email in one week directly from Gallagher Risk Control (system@gbriskcontrol.com) through the Gallagher STEP training module stating that you have been assigned training. You will then create a login to access the system and begin your training.
What proof will IHLS provide that my training has been completed?
At the end of the course session if you have received a passing grade of 70% or above, you will be able to print out a certificate of completion for your records. Please give this certificate to your Library Director for proof that you have met the training requirement for Sexual Harassment Prevention.
Who can I contact if I have questions?
Please reach out to IHLS Human Resources at HR@illinoisheartland.org with any questions.