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Illinois Heartland Library System provides access to several e-resources for SHARE members and standalone libraries. 

Standalone Members

IHLS libraries that are not part of a local library system automation program (LLSAP) are invited to participate in eRead Illinois—a shared digital collection on Baker & Taylor’s Axis 360 platform. The eRead Illinois collection on the Axis 360 platform contains resources from over 400 RAILS and IHLS libraries. With eRead Illinois, participating library staff can also access live trainings and webinars. 

This program was originally funded by a grant provided by the Illinois State Library in 2013. This grant enabled IHLS and Reaching Across Illinois Library System (RAILS) to establish an “E-books for Illinois” Program, named eRead Illinois. The grant program ended in May 2015. Membership in eRead Illinois comes with a fee that enables the program to continue running past the grant period.


SHARE Members

Libraries that are members of both IHLS and SHARE, our local library system automation program (LLSAP), are invited to participate in the SHARE cloudLibrary. This is a shared digital collection on bibliotheca’s cloudLibrary platform, also accessible from the SHARE Mobile Library app. Currently, 190 SHARE libraries belong to the cloudLibrary shared collection which provides access to over 75,000 digital items. This program was originally funded by the eRead Illinois grant. The SHARE staff is dedicated to expanding these offerings for all library types within SHARE and IHLS. To learn more, contact SHARE Resource Sharing Specialist Danielle Beasley.

SHARE membership also provides access to consortial e-resources. Members are eligible to participate in group purchases to share the cost of a yearly subscription fee or to receive a special discount. Participants in SHARE E-Resource consortia also benefit from free training, technical support, and assistance with promotion and patron instruction.



Axis 360

Anna Behm
E-Content Specialist
Reaching Across Illinois Library System


Danielle Beasley
SHARE Resource Sharing Specialist
Illinois Heartland Library System